
MSX-led standing members of the Mars Council will

Decimated Development News #1

This additional Q2 update will update the standing members of the Hwaseong Council. These standing committee members own 10 virtual satellites on Mars, and together they will play a role in making important decisions and direction of development for MSX. The 10 additional virtual satellites are named as follows: Aresia (Aresia) - originated from the god of war Ares Harmonia (Harmonia) - originated from Harmonia, the goddess of harmony and balance Eirene (Irene) - originated from Eirene, the goddess of peace Kratos (Kratos) - originated from the god of power and power, Kratos Zephyros (Zephyros) - originated from the west wind god Zephyros Bia (Via) - originated from Via, goddess of strength and ability Nike (Nike) - originated from Nike, the goddess of victory Eros - originated from the god of love, Eros Thalassa (Talasa) - originated from the goddess of the sea, Talasa Selene - originating from Selene, goddess of the moon If you become a standing member, you can enjoy the following benefits: Earn profits from gold transactions Exercise of voting rights on MSX's policies and operations Influence future development directions and projects But keep in mind that, given the rights and benefits, responsibilities must follow. Standing members of the Mars Council are obliged to make wise and fair decisions for the future and sustainable development of the MSX. With this update, we look forward to the challenges of those who can lead the future and success of MSX together!
